Youth Ministry » Youth Events

Youth Events

Ignite Youth Rally

The Diocese of Superior hosts multiple youth rallies around the Diocese to bring our youth together around the sacraments.  This event is in collaboration with Partnership for Youth, an organization whose mission is to organize transformational events for Catholic young people.  The evening typically includes games, fun, a pizza supper, a dynamic speaker, incredible praise and worship music, and a time of Adoration.  Come for an engaging night and ignite your faith!

This year’s Ignite Youth Rally will be on Wednesday, April 7 from 6-9 p.m. at St. Bridget’s in River Falls.  Mark your calendars and look for more information coming soon!


March for Life

In 2020, St. Anne’s organized our first group to join in the Diocese of Superior’s March for Life pilgrimage for high school students and adult chaperones to Washington D.C.  The annual pilgrimage includes the National Rally and March for Life, visits to D.C. landmarks, Mass at the Basilica, and the Students for Life Conference. 

The mission is to help educate the youth about the truths of abortion, learn how to talk about it with their peers, and to help provide love, compassion, and support for those women and men who may have experienced abortion.  The entire event is completely infused with joy and love and is a beautiful testament to peacefully standing up to promote a culture of life in our society.

As the Students for Life Organization states:  “College and high school is a time when worldviews are challenged and formed. Culture is shaped by youth. If we want to end abortion, we have to start with the young people.”   Will you join us and be a part of the pro-life generation?


Discipleship Weekend

Are you a high schooler already committed to your faith and looking to go deeper?  If so, High School Discipleship Weekend is for you!  This is an incredible weekend held at CrossWoods Camp that includes talks by a speaker, small group time, free time, Reconciliation, Adoration, and Mass.  It is always an incredible weekend in helping us grow as Jesus’ disciples and bringing together high schoolers from around the Diocese of Superior who have the same desire!

While the students who have experienced Extreme Faith Camp in the past WANT to go each year, Discipleship Weekend is also required for those who are on Extreme Team at Camp, and highly recommended for those on Prayer Team (high schoolers who are at camp for the first time serve on the prayer team first.)

While our Diocese hosts two Discipleship Weekends every year, we typically go to the one in November. 

Check out more information here:


Service Saturdays

Service Saturdays are a meaningful way to put our faith into action.  Although these have been put on hold because of COVID-19 in 2020-21, these monthly outings inspire and encourage us to serve our community, both locally and in the Twin Cities area.  Some service projects we have done in the past include Bikes for Kids, Habitat for Humanity, Second Harvest Heartland, Feed My Starving Children, Bridging, the Salvation Army Christmas party, and more!

Service Saturdays are typically geared for high school students, with some for middle school students as well.

Do more than just complete your required service hours – learn, grow, reflect, and have fun in the process!