Join the Church of St. Michael in Stillwater at 3 PM on Sunday, Dec 29 for a beautiful concert. Click on this news to see the full flyer & details. This event is free and open to the public. Registration is requested at Eventbrite.com.
Steven C is an accomplished pianist, composer and recording artist whose music streams to millions of listeners worldwide. His annual “Christmas Together” concerts were created in the historic Cathedral of St. Paul in 2015, and now the show with its all star cast is coming to Stillwater! With vocalists Jillian Anderson, Kathyrn Budzien & Jack Cassidy - Presented by the Music Department of St. Michael & St. Mary
We're filled with gratitude for our vendors, staff, volunteers, and community who made it to our Christmas Boutique. We have such wonderful parish and community - Thank you for your time, talent, and generosity. We sold over 300 lbs of cookies & fudge to raise funds towards our H&S Scholarship and Ann Austreng Memorial Fund. Click here to view Santa photos!
This incredible experience is open to students in grades 6-12. Pre -registration forms are available by clicking this news article. Pre-register by Jan 8th! This helps us organize early for fundraisers and is required by the Diocese. A $100 deposit is due with your form, as pre-registration is not considered complete without payment. Please reach out if cost is a concern. Forms and payments can be turned in to Ben Schmitt, Rachel Kaufer, to the Drop Box on the south side on the Youth Group House, attached to the blue door, or to the parish office.
For more information about Extreme Faith Camp, visit the Diocese of Superior website under Services and Ministries > Youth Ministry > Extreme Faith Camp or reach out to Ben Schmitt and Rachel at [email protected].