Join us on Thursday evenings starting March 6 for a Lenten Bible Study on the Gospel of John. Jeff Arrowood returns with a new study that will help us understand who Jesus is and what it means to be in a relationship with Him. Please register online for planning purposes:
Connect with St. Anne Parish and welcome a new face! Enjoy scrambled eggs, sausage, pancakes, cheesy potatoes, and cinnamon rolls in St. Anne Church Basement following the 7:30 am and 10:30 am masses on March 9th.
Calling all moms - Join us for a special gathering this Wednesday from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the Faith Formation House. It’s a chance to connect, share, and support one another in the beautiful journey of motherhood. No need to RSVP and look forward to:
✨ Fellowship
✨ Encouragement
✨ Time for You
All moms are welcome — and bring the kiddos too!
Join us for the Parish Cluster Bible Study Luke: The Story of Salvation Fulfilled at St Joseph Church in Osceola for eight Mondays, February 17th – April 7th from 9:30 am to 11:00 am.
The Gospel of Luke takes you on a journey that begins with the foretelling of John the Baptist’s birth and culminates in Jesus’ ascension into heaven. Along the way, you will witness key moments in salvation history, including the Annunciation; the Nativity; Jesus' baptism; his public ministry; the Last Supper; and Jesus’ suffering, death, and glorious Resurrection. With Luke: The Story of Salvation Fulfilled, you will experience joy as you see how God has been faithful throughout the ages and how God’s promise can guide you in your everyday lives.
Registration forms are available in the information section of each parish. For more information contact Lala Graf at (715) 294-3652 and leave a message. Registration deadline is February 10th.
Come and hear Fr. John Paul Erickson from the Archdiocese of St. Paul and MSP as he speaks on the topic of prayer! This event will be held on Wednesday, Feb 26 at 7:15 p.m. Enjoy light refreshments and bring along your friends and family.
Father Erickson is a gifted, dynamic speaker who will preach on the topic of Prayer: Who, What, Why and How. Prayer is the greatest gift we can give or receive. Join us as we learn ways to develop the intention and habit of daily prayer and how it will help you grow closer to Jesus. We look forward to see you there!
Actively demonstrate your support for the value of life by joining us on Jan 26 at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Osceola. We will start at 3 PM and walk to downtown Osceola and back, approximately 2 miles. Join the community for free chili dinner after the walk at St. Joseph Church. Click for more details.
Join us on Jan 29 fro 6:30-7:30 pm to tour the atrium, meet the Catechists, and learn more about this exciting Montessori-based faith formation program for ages 3-9! No registration required. Please meet us in the CGS Atrium (former food pantry behind the cemetery).
Connect with your parish and welcome a new face! Enjoy scrambled eggs, sausage, pancakes, cheesy potatoes, cinnamon and caramel rolls in St. Anne Church Basement following the 7:30 AM and 10:30 AM Masses. All proceeds go directly to students attending Extreme Faith Camp.
Welcome to The Parenting Playbook, a new community speaker series presented by St. Anne Catholic School. To support parents on this journey, St. Anne Catholic School is proud to launch a new initiative, The Parenting Playbook! This program aims to provide parents with practical strategies, faith-based guidance, and a space to connect with other parents navigating similar experiences. Series is FREE and open to the public!
Join us on Jan 14th at 6 PM for our first speaker - Parenting in a Digital Age with Jim Richardson! The event will be held in St. Anne Catholic School Gym.
Jim Richardson, MA, LP, LSP, is a Licensed Psychologist and Licensed School Psychologist with over 25 years of experience working with children, parents, and educators. To learn more about our first event and this series, please click on this event!
Join the Church of St. Michael in Stillwater at 3 PM on Sunday, Dec 29 for a beautiful concert. Click on this news to see the full flyer & details. This event is free and open to the public. Registration is requested at
Steven C is an accomplished pianist, composer and recording artist whose music streams to millions of listeners worldwide. His annual “Christmas Together” concerts were created in the historic Cathedral of St. Paul in 2015, and now the show with its all star cast is coming to Stillwater! With vocalists Jillian Anderson, Kathyrn Budzien & Jack Cassidy - Presented by the Music Department of St. Michael & St. Mary
We're filled with gratitude for our vendors, staff, volunteers, and community who made it to our Christmas Boutique. We have such wonderful parish and community - Thank you for your time, talent, and generosity. We sold over 300 lbs of cookies & fudge to raise funds towards our H&S Scholarship and Ann Austreng Memorial Fund. Click here to view Santa photos!
This incredible experience is open to students in grades 6-12. Pre -registration forms are available by clicking this news article. Pre-register by Jan 8th! This helps us organize early for fundraisers and is required by the Diocese. A $100 deposit is due with your form, as pre-registration is not considered complete without payment. Please reach out if cost is a concern. Forms and payments can be turned in to Ben Schmitt, Rachel Kaufer, to the Drop Box on the south side on the Youth Group House, attached to the blue door, or to the parish office.
For more information about Extreme Faith Camp, visit the Diocese of Superior website under Services and Ministries > Youth Ministry > Extreme Faith Camp or reach out to Ben Schmitt and Rachel at [email protected].
Join our celebration by watching a special video highlighting the incredible transformation of our St. Anne Catholic Church. One year ago, we finished our renovation. Witness the beauty - a true testament to faith, craftsmanship, and the generosity of our donors, parishioners, staff and community. Thank you for the unwavering love, support and dedication... we are blessed to share this journey with you!
Mass at 9 am on Wednesday, Nov 27 will be cancelled due to a Funeral Mass for Donna Eddy at 11 am. Thanksgiving Day Mass will be at 8 am in the morning at St. Anne in the Church. This is the only mass on Thanksgiving Day in our cluster. Happy Thanksgiving!
Join us in our Church basement at our two day Christmas Boutique! It’s THE place to buy homemade cookies by the pound, Ann Austreng's Famous Fudge, special handcrafted gifts, & so much more! Vendor tables are $35 each. Register on our school website! Click for details.
Join us for Eucharistic Adoration on Thursday, Feb 6th in the Convent Chapel. Begins after the 7:30 AM Mass and concludes with the Friday 7:30 AM Mass in the Chapel.
On Nov 10, please join us following the 10:30 Mass for coffee & donuts as we extend our sincere gratitude and well wishes for Sara Measner. Our appreciation gathering is in honor of Sara and her 18 years of service in youth ministry to our parish!
Please join us for a light snack, learn about the saints from our elementary FF kids, and play saintly games on Nov 3rd from 9-10:15 AM in the church basement. Come dressed as your favorite saint, bible character, patron saint symbol, or animal. All Faith Formation students, siblings, and families are welcome!
Join Fr. Anderson as he retraces St. Paul's journey through Greece and across the Aegean Sea. Together, you will discover the world of early Christians and experience the countless wonderings of this ancient land! Interested? Call 402-315-1435 or email [email protected] while spots remain!